
The center of the Sacred Valley: Parades, partiies, hippies and mysterious monuments.
Salinas de Maras (Salt Mines) IMG 0691 IMG 0688 P1000354 The road to Cusco
P1000368 P1000361 Moray IMG 6681 IMG 6687
Courtyard at Cusco P1000383 Cows Parade IMG 0704
IMG 0710 IMG 0721 The streets of Cusco IMG 6702 IMG 6705
P1000391 Engaged P1000394 P1000395 Potatoes
P1000397 Peruvian Harp P1000402 P1000404 P1000412
Saqsayhuaman Down to Cusco P1000425 IMG 0767 P1000427
IMG 2867 Got to have a Llama P1000432 P1000433 IMG 0796
IMG 0799 IMG 0801 Guinea Pig Sausage P1000443 P1000445
IMG 0815 P1000446 Another Chocolate Museum IMG 0824 P1000454
P1000455 Raqchi and the Wiracocha Temple IMG 0851 Hanging Bridge IMG 0833
High Point P1000475 Alpacas Do Alpaca's spit? P1000487
P1000488 Pukara Museum